Tuesday, August 24, 2021

DAS Shutdown in our estate (potentially no electricity)

Our estate is switching over to a Demand Aggregation Scheme which will lower our estate's electricity bills in the long run. This was approved at an AGM and the MA is preparing us for the switchover.

What that means however is that for our blocks, there may be a time when there's no electricity. They have posted this info on the notice boards and in the lift areas but here's that info too...

  1. Shutdown on 30 August 2021 (Monday).
  2. On that day, from 9am to 1pm, Blocks A to D might be affected.
  3. Common facilities (gym, function room, management office) might be affected from 9am to 4pm.
  4. Common facilities such as lifts, door magnetic locks, intercom will NOT be affected at all.
  5. All facility bookings are cancelled for this day.
The actual situation will depend on that day itself. There might not be any loss in electricity or there might be, I guess. But best be prepared. 

  • Charge any electrical items that you need for the morning especially.
  • Switch off all electrical appliances before the 9am start in case there are any power spikes that might affect your electrical items.
  • Fridge/freezer - generally for the 4 hours or so, it should be okay for your items if the doors are closed but good idea to reduce the food in the fridge/freezer just in case.
Some residents have fish tanks and are worried about the loss of electricity. I did a quick search (caveat, these are not based on anything other than a google search) and found that this company provides 1 day rentals of Uninterrupted Power Supplies - 400w for $80 a day. Might be a useful backup, but I'm not sure what kind of power you'll need.

Disclaimer: I'm not associated with this company. You should do your own googling to find alternatives...


Good luck! (I'm going to be in the office that morning haha)

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