- A torchlight if you're walking after sunset
- Anti-mossie spray, as you'll be walking through a fairly dark/secluded area with mosquitoes.
- Good slippers/shoes
So here are the instructions (Click on image to enlarge):
Map 1: From Viz to Stairs

- You start from the sidegate, past the tennis court. Bring your access card to get back in.
- The sidegate will take you on a narrow path past Holland Peak (tennis courts), and then Holland Crest (4 storey building that's gone en-bloc in 2006 but has yet to be torn down).. Holland Crest is distinguishable by its red bars on the balcony.
- The path will bring you to a set of stairs leading to the road in between 2 HDB blocks. Take the stairs down but do not go in between the HDB blocks (if you do, you'll be heading towards the hawker centre/wet market).
- Instead head right 'up' the gentle slope towards the park and abandoned playground.
Map 2: Stairs to Park/Abandoned Playground

- Go through the park and look for the abandoned playground. You should have a massive construction site to your right (the former Holland Mansions).
- Look for rows of 2 storey terrace houses (Jalan Hitam Manis) ahead of you. There are actually 2 rows of terrace houses, separated in between by a drain.
- Go to that drain and use the sidewalk to reach Jalan Hitam Manis.
- Once at Jalan Hitam Manis, head to your left, going past Jalan Kuning and Jalan Puteh Jerneh. You'll reach ACS International School at the L junction as you continue to follow Jalan Hitam Manis.

- Continue along Jalan Hitam Manis until you reach Taman Warna.
- Turn left at Taman Warna, heading towards Chip Bee Gardens eateries (follow the lights and noise LOL).
- Once there, Holland Village should be straight ahead of you.
- The total walk should be a very leisurely 10-15 minutes, or faster if you're fitter than us. Which is likely as we're quite unfit LOL.
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